About Lisa Craze

Singer – Songwriter

Music has always been a part of Lisa Craze’s life, although it mostly remained in the background after high school.

She grew up singing with her sisters, finding joy in the close harmonies they created.

But she turned to radio news as a career in the 1980’s, leaving the music to the songs the disc jockeys played on the stations where she provided local, hourly newscasts.

Eventually, she stopped singing too —until she was encouraged one Sunday in church to sing again.

In 2009 Eddie Watkins Jr., music director for The Seattle Center for Spiritual Living, asked Lisa to sing in the choir, and eventually as his back-up singer. Through many Sundays and special events, Lisa slowly found her confidence —and her voice.

As Eddie moved on to pursue his own musical path, he was replaced by Beverly Daugherty at the church, who recognized Lisa’s songwriting talents.

And now, Lisa Craze is stepping forward again, by writing her own songs of Love, Loss, Life, Faith and Hope.

Her voice can be raw and bluesy at one moment, and sweet and soaring in another. And her new songs explore all the facets of her wide range.

She has recorded an EP, “Lisa Craze—Second Act” which is now available for download on this site.

Lisa released her second album, “November Daisy” in 2018. It’s a collection of jazzier tunes with many collaborations with Pennsylvania musician Robert Evangelista. The two found a unique symmetry in their styles and enjoyed this once-in-a-lifetime project.

Thank you for visiting LisaCraze.com.